Copyright Ross F. Lockridge, Jr., 1947, 1948 / All rights reserved



     Raintree County is the story of a single day in which are imbedded a series of flashbacks. The chronologies printed here may assist the reader in understanding the structure of the novel. At the back of the book may be found a chronology of historical events with bearing on the story.




July 4, I892


Dawn--MR. JOHN WICKLIFF SHAWNESSY awakens in the town of Waycross. (page 3)

6:00--The Shawnessy family leaves Waycross by surrey.

6:45--In the Court House Square of Freehaven, Mr. Shawnessy enters a Museum of Raintree County Antiquities.

7:45--Across the site of the vanished town of Danwebster, Mr. Shawnessy carries a sickle and a box of cut flowers.

8:30--Approaching the town of Moreland, EVA Alice Shawnessy reads the last page of Barriers Burned Away. (page 235)

8 :45--Re-entering THE GREAT ROAD OF THE REPUBLIC in Waycross, Mr. Shawnessy is engulfed in wheels and faces. (page 253)

9:30--Senator Garwood B. Jones arrives by special train in Waycross Station.

"The Senator Arrives (Raintree County)"- silkscreen by Edwin Fulwider, 1949, 9 x 11 1/4"

I0:00--Three men tip their chairs back against the General Store for a talk.

I0:05--Esther Root Shawnessy enters the Revival Tent to hear THE OLDEST STORY IN THE WORLD, the Reverend Lloyd G. Jarvey officiating. (page 358)

I0:30--Mr. Shawnessy hands Professor Jerusalem Webster Stiles a copy of the News-Historian, containing the legend of a HOUSE DIVIDED. (page 42I)

II:I5 --A photographer, a preacher, a lady in a Victorian mansion, a chorus of men only, and A WHITE BULL prepare respectively to take pictures, glorify God, distribute pamphlets, see an Exhibition for Men Only, and affirm life. (page 553)


I2:30--In the intersection of Waycross, General Jacob J. Jackson presents Mr. Shawnessy with a copy of a manuscript entitled FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM, and the G.A.R. parade forms to march on the school house for a banquet. (page 595)

2:30--The Grand Patriotic Program begins in the schoolhouse yard.

4:30--Eva Alice Shawnessy muses in WAYCROSS STATION, where Statesmen, Soldiers, Financiers, and Poets arrive and depart by train. (page 753)

4:35--As Senator Garwood B. Jones prepares to entrain for the City, Mr. Shawnessy recalls a SPHINX RECUMBENT in his gilded years. (page 765)

5:05--Financier Cassius P. Carney descends from the Eastbound Express in Waycross Station.

6:00--BETWEEN TWO WORLDS in contest for her soul, Esther Root Shawnessy passes the intersection in Waycross as a train bears Financier Cassius P. Carney from Waycross Station. (page 869)


7:30--On the porchswing at Mrs. Evelina Brown's mansion, an informal meeting of the Waycross Literary Society opens a discussion on THE GOLDEN BOUGH. (page 885)

9:30--Esther Root Shawnessy watches a cluster of torches approach the guarden east of Waycross.

9:35--From the tower of Mrs. Brown's mansion, Eva Alice Shawnessy beholds a celestial conflict.

I0:50--The last Fourth of July rocket explodes over Waycross.

Midnight--Professor Jerusalem Webster Stiles departs by train from Waycross Station.

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